Welcome to the DOE Laboratory Accreditation Program (DOELAP) application website for Whole Body and Extremity dosimetry programs. Information and news about the DOELAP Dosimetry can be found at

The link, username, and password for this website is assigned to your facility in an e-mail from the DOELAP Senior Technical Manager (STM) or DOELAP Coordinator to a facility Point of Contact (POC). Access to the application process is dependent on the information supplied to the DOELAP.

After the authorized point of contact or a person responsible for completing the online application is finished, they will forward it to the STM or coordinator for a brief initial review by clicking the REPORT/SUBMIT key at the top of the application. If the application appears to be in order the STM or coordinator forwards the application to the authorized management representative. If satisfied, the authorized management representative approves and forwards the application to the responsible DOE field organization's representative. Only the DOE field organizations representative can approve and submit the finalized application to DOELAP. This submission is equivalent to a signed hardcopy application. At each step, the application is automatically emailed to the appropriate person based on the information obtained from the application.

If an application is rejected by either the STM or coordinator, the authorized management representative or the DOE field organization's representative, an email is sent back to the authorized point of contact or person responsible for completing the online application stating the reasons why the application was rejected. The application may then be modified as necessary and resubmitted through the normal submittal processes described above.

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Bohrer, DOELAP STM (208-221-7688; [email protected]) or Laird Bean, DOELAP Coordinator (208-526-6989; [email protected]).

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